Mississippi Department of Public Safety Certified Enhanced Concealed Carry Permit Instructor
NRA Member
*Tactical Response: Tactical Instructor: 55 hours
*Rangemaster: Three-day Firearms Instructor Development & Certification Course: 24 hours
Rangemaster: Advanced Firearms Instructor Development Course: 16 hours
Defense Training International (D.T.I.): Handgun and Urban Rifle Instructor Course: 20 hours
Massad Ayoob Group: MAG-40, Armed Citizen's Rules of Engagement: 40 hours
OPS: Options for Personal Security: Surgical Speed Shooting Course: 16 hours
I.C.E. Training: Combat Focus Shooting: 16 hours
Defense Training International (D.T.I.): Advanced Defensive Handgun Course: 24 hours
Defense Training International (D.T.I.): Urban Rifle & Shotgun Course: 20 hours
Tactical Response: Fighting Pistol: 16 hours
Tactical Response: Advanced Fighting Pistol: 16 hours
Tactical Response: Tactical Shotgun: 16 hours
Tactical Response: Fighting Rifle: 16 hours
Tactical Response: Immediate Action Medical: 16 hours
Tactical Response: Precision Rifle: 16 hours
Tactical Response: Response to Active Shooter: 16 hours
Tactical Response: The Fight! Force on Force Scenarios: 16 hours
Tactical Response: High Risk Civilian Contractor Direct Action: 80 hours
Tactical Response: High Risk Civilian Contractor Medical Package: 50 hours
Tactical Response: High Risk Civilian Contractor Shooter's Package: 60 hours
Rangemaster: Combined Skills Coure, Southnarc/Givens: 16 hours
Rangemaster: Tactical Pistol Course, Level II Handgun: 8 hours
Rangemaster: Level 1, Personal Protection: 8 hours
W. Hock Hochheim's Close Quater Combat--16 hours
W. Hock Hochheim Knive/Counter Knife Combatives: Level 1, 2, 3
*(approved by state of TN for Carry Permit Instructor certification)